Join us for a reading by Annie Guthrie and Richard Siken, two Tucson-based poets celebrating new books: Guthrie's THE GOOD DARK (Tupelo Press, 2015) and Siken's The War of The Foxes (Copper Canyon Press, 2014). The reading will be followed by a Q&A and book signing.
Annie Guthrie is a writer and jeweler from Tucson. She teaches and is the Marketing Director at the UA Poetry Center. She has work published in Tarpaulin Sky, Ploughshares, Fairy Tale Review, Many Mountains Moving, HNGMAN, The Destroyer, RealPoetik, Everyday Genius, Omniverse, The Volta, Spiral Orb, The Dictionary Project, 1913, A Journal of Forms, Drunken Boat, and more. Her first collection of poetry will be published by Tupelo Press in Fall 2015.
Richard Siken is a poet, painter, and filmmaker. His first book, Crush, won the Yale Younger Poets' prize. He lives in Tucson, Arizona.