In this reading, we present two poets who also serve as imprint editors at Red Hen Press.
Eloise Klein Healy is the author of seven books of poetry and three spoken word recordings. Her most recent collection is The Islands Project: Poems For Sappho (Red Hen Press, 2007). A Wild Surmise: New & Selected Poems & Recordings will be released by Red Hen Press in early 2013. She was the founding chair of the MFA in Creative Writing Program at Antioch University Los Angeles, where she is Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing Emerita. Healy is the founding
editor of Arktoi Books, an imprint of Red Hen Press that publishes literary works by lesbian writers.
Peggy Shumaker’s most recent book of poems, Toucan Nest, is set in Costa Rica. Her other books include Gnawed Bones (Red Hen Press, 2010), a collection of poetry, and Just Breathe Normally (Bison Books, 2009), a memoir. Professor Emerita from University of Alaska Fairbanks, Shumaker teaches in the Rainier Writing Workshop low-residency MFA. She is founding editor of Boreal Books, an imprint of Red Hen Press that publishes literature and fine art from Alaska, and she edits the Alaska Literary Series at University of Alaska Press. Shumaker served as Alaska State Writer Laureate from 2010 to 2012 and was chosen as a 2011 University of Arizona College of Humanities Alumna of the Year.