Inflection Points: A Gallery Talk on Poetry in Translation

4 p.m., Oct. 5, 2021

As we emerge from this time of crisis, how might the field of literary translation chart new trajectories and imagine new narratives of possibility? Four translators of poetry—Kareem James Abu-Zeid (Arabic, French, German), Alex Braslavsky (Polish, Russian), Jein Han (Korean), and Farid Matuk (Spanish)—will discuss how this question informed their process of curating works for Inflection Points, a digital exhibition presented by the Poetry Center in collaboration with the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA). Curators will highlight pieces from the exhibit and explore the potential for poetry to cross boundaries of language, culture, place, and time.

Live on Zoom

This event is supported in part by a grant from Arizona Humanities, as part of the Arizona Translates! series.

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