AZ Opera at the U of A - Magical Realism: Realismo Mágico; Presented by Alex Nava, Religious Studies

7 p.m., Nov. 16, 2015

AZ Opera at the U of A - The University of Arizona College of Humanities and the the Arizona Opera are proud to present an ongoing series of events in preparation for the Opera’s upcoming production of “Florencia en Amazonas.” For full details, please visit or

Magical Realism: Realismo Mágico
Presented by Alex Nava, Religious Studies

Monday, November 16 at 7:00 p.m.

Since the opera, "Florencia en el Amazonas" is inspired by the magical realism of Latin America--especially Gabriel Garcia Marquez--this lecture will explore the literary and religious background of this style of literature in the Americas.  Particular focus will be on the language of 'wonder' in the initial conquest of the New World and how this understanding of 'wonder' is redefined in the genre of magical realism.